
Hi, I’m Kim Wilch, thank you for checking out my page.
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Brainstorming with my then six-year-old grandson, we devised the plot for Peter the Turtle. The poop part was his idea, I swear!
On his adventure, Peter discovers treasures on the beach. Little does he know how harmful litter is to a turtle. Alone on his journey, he gets stuck on the shore and has tummy troubles. Who will come to his rescue? Will he be able to poop?
While laughing, children will learn the importance of friendship, healthy eating, and putting litter in a bin.

Picture books aren’t just for children anymore – free of curse words.
WTF Duck?! (Why The Frown) is an adult picture book showcasing everyday events with a dash of sarcasm. From waking up to an obnoxious alarm, to rude people, WTF Duck puts a hilarious spin on everyday events.
Now available with an alternative cover – Why The Frown Duck? – so Amazon will advertise it – they seem to think WTF meant something besides Why the Frown!

ONCE UPON A PLATE is a culinary journey for little chefs inspired by picture books and their characters! Easy recipes, divided sections, kitchen safety tips, a conversion chart, and the comprehensive cooking glossary complete this cookbook for kids. Proceeds benefit charity!
Acclaimed Book Reviewer, Kim Wilch
Do these titles look familiar? Check out my blog for posts on these – and more! Book Blog Tours hosted by Harper Collins, Simon & Shuster, Albatros Books, Rockstar Book Tours, Hidden Hollow Book Tours, and more.
I feature more titles on my Instagram page or check out my Amazon Shop
Interested in a Review?
I don’t charge for book reviews but please note, I only post honest reviews. A print book is required. Contact Kim at OneMoreExclamation@gmail.com

This website and Blog contain affiliate links, I may receive a small compensation for the referral.
Published in These Anthologies

Short and Sweet: A Different Beat
My first “consent to publish” was signed with Editor, Susan Cheeves King. The book (purchase here) is a compilation showcasing 41 unique individuals who have certainly left an indelible mark on the world as they stay true to themselves and dance to their own beat.
Moreover, the story I submitted introduces you to a fun and loving woman, my granny.
Proceeds benefit:
World Christian Broadcasting

Short and Sweet: Humili8ing
Included in this book: My most humiliating and therefore, most embarrassing moment (purchase here). It involves waxing my legs, trust me, you won’t believe it.
Featuring 43 funny, yet traumatic short stories, it is a work of love with all proceeds benefiting World Christian Broadcasting.
This book is extra special to me. I’m tickled to have my work on the cover, chosen by Editor, Susan Cheeves King. The challenge was to showcase “8” since it’s the eighth book in the series.

I’m grateful to have won 2nd place in the 2019 Bess Streeter Aldrich Short Story Contest
My husband and I attended the annual reception in Elmwood, Nebraska. The lovely home, turned museum, is certainly a delightful tribute to one of Nebraska’s finest writers, Bess Streeter Aldrich.
Rock Bottom Has a Basement

My work in progress is a story of a people-pleasing woman and a man she loved. When his life tanked, her heart wanted to drag him from rock bottom. She gave, he took, repeat. Instead of rescuing him from the trenches of despair, he sucked her into his hell, and she got burnt. I’m talking the first-degree kind.
Putting a comical spin on ridiculous behavior was my first intention. The more I wrote, the more I understood these actions weren’t funny. Writing became therapy, a salve to coat the wounds of dysfunction. Alcoholism is not a laughing matter; it is a monster that robs joy, saps all that is good, and drains love and hope from the depths of best intentions. I learned the alcoholic can only slay the monster when he is ready. Some never are.
A work in progress, the book refuses to be rushed. The story will be told in its own time, in the order it comes. Some chapters bring a smile to my heart and are easy to write. Some are horrendous and difficult to attempt. So goes the journey.
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