Books: Domestic Fiction Books: Suspense & Thrillers

Between the Dark Spaces

Welcome to the tour for Between the Dark Spaces by Melissa Groeling hosted by R&R Tours.

 between the dark spaces book cover

Title: Between the Dark Spaces

Author: Melissa Groeling

Find it Here: Amazon | Booktopia | Barnes & Noble

How deep do those dark places go?

Sixteen-year-old Aris Black likes to think she knows about dark places. Every day, she watches her father struggle to hang on to his sobriety. She works long hours after school to help pay their bills so they don’t end up out on the street. She knows one wrong move and they could lose everything.

When she meets Chapman Woolfe, she knows she’s not the only one fighting to stay in the light. Chapman is a boy surrounded by monsters that wear masks of the people he thought he knew.

Together, Aris and Chapman discover the world these monsters created and its origin is a lot closer to home than they realize.

Can these two teenagers find their way out before the darkness swallows them whole?

Trigger Warnings: Drug & alcohol abuse, and family violence

Review for Between the Dark Spaces

One mistake can truly change the course of your life. When an accident brings Chap and Aris together, they learn their families have secrets. Secrets they don’t revealed. These characters were real and easy to love. Twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat while turning pages. I went from anger to joy, empathy to disappointment, on this emotional roller coaster. The author did a remarkable job of introducing pieces of the puzzle and the family dynamics. Overall, this book was an excellent read dealing with the dark side of life. I wouldn’t limit it to 14-18 year olds.

About the Author

Melissa Groeling didn’t know she had an accent until she moved from New Jersey to Philadelphia. She thought everyone spoke the same way, called things by the same name…that is, until she got into her first debate with a Pennsylvanian over a “sub” or a “hoagie.” This soon led to other debates: jimmies versus sprinkles. Pork roll versus Taylor ham. It all became quite the struggle, a fight not to conform. Boldly trekking onwards, she knew she preferred a sub, sprinkles on her ice cream and Taylor ham for breakfast. So she kept at it, much like her writing.

Drop her line sometime. She’ll happily talk to you about tea (oh yes, she’s a tea drinker off-set only by those fancy-shmancy mochas from Starbucks), the New York Giants (a die-hard fan), chocolate (the dark kind, thanks), and cupcake recipes, because really, without icing, the world is just a muffin.

Melissa Groeling

Between the Dark Spaces tour schedule

Follow the Between the Dark Spaces Tour

August 28th

http://rrbooktours Kick-off – Feature – Review – Review – Feature

August 29th – Review – Review – Review – Review

August 30th – Review – Review – Feature – Feature

August 31st – Review – Review – Review – Feature – Feature – Feature

September 1st – Review – Review – Review – Review – Review – Feature

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