Exposed: Nevertheless She Persisted
This debut author has a gift for weaving words into an impactful story that kept me turning the pages. Thank you for sharing your book with me – all opinions are my own.
About The Book

Title: Exposed: Nevertheless She Persisted
Author: Alicia C Curry
Pub. Date: June 29, 2022
Publisher: AC Media, LLC
Formats: Paperback and eBook
Pages: 273
Purchase Here: Amazon
When the #MeToo movement went global in fall 2017, the world opened its eyes to the pervasive culture of workplace harassment toward women. While the media focused on abuses at powerful corporations and the Hollywood casting couch, voices of female victims in average American communities remained largely unheard. Exposed reveals, in heartbreaking detail, how the systems that run our local schools and governments can be used to shield aggressors and foster a culture of harassment and abuse.
Throughout her successful career as a school counselor, Alicia Curry earned the respect of her students and colleagues. When her consensual relationship ended with the principal of the school where she was employed, a cycle of harassment and lies emerged in its place. Suddenly, Alicia was plunged into a dizzying world of accusations, depression, isolation, and mistrust. It took the fight of her life to find freedom from a hostile work environment and secure a future for herself and her young daughter.
Told with clear-eyed detail and bravery, Exposed lays bare the struggle women face each day as they fight for justice in the face of workplace harassment.
Review of Exposed
My friend has a saying she uses often, “Don’t poop where you eat.” I never really got it until reading this book. I had an office romance that…. well, it didn’t turn out very well either (nothing to this extent)! To make it clear, I’m not blaming Alicia for what was to come.
This well-written memoir showcases a school counselor & principal, and the crapshow that ensues after their relationship ended. This story is an emotional ride on a painful journey as Alicia fights back against the injustices inflicted on her. The pages are filled with harassment, fear, and struggles but sprinkled with hope. It takes a strong and courageous person to endure all that Alicia dealt with. I appreciate her exposing her heart to help others.
About the Author of Exposed
Alicia Curry spent twelve years serving families as a school counselor. She is also a licensed mental health therapist and speaker who is dedicated to helping women navigate issues of sexual harassment, grief, loss, and its associated trauma. She holds a master’s of science in professional counseling from Georgia State University, a master’s of arts in educational leadership from Western Michigan University, and a bachelor’s of arts in psychology and organizational studies from the University of Michigan. Born and raised in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Alicia Curry enjoys spending time with her daughter and family, watching college football, traveling, and investing.
Exposed is her first book.
You can find her online here: Website
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